



Mama’s Dramas is now a book! I’ve taken all my old posts from 2008 to 2014 and smooshed them together for easy reading.

Although I enjoyed blogging here, I’ve decided to stop writing on this site. After re-reading some of the stuff I wrote, I remembered that the reason I stopped posting was because it seemed to attract drama, and I like my life full of peace, and crud like that.

I am keeping some stuff up for old times sake but in the meantime, please feel free to read my other blog, HawaiianSupermom.

And in case you missed it, you can find all the fun jewels that I took off of this site in Mama’s Dramas the book, for sale at Amazon.com:

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A newlywed couple on their honeymoon prepares to see each other naked for the first time. 

The husband exposes his knotted and twisted feet. He explains, “I had tolio as a child.” The wife asks if he means polio. He says, “No, it only affects the toes.”

 He removes his pants and reveals deformed knees. He admits, “I had kneesles.”

Finally, he pulls off his boxers. In shock, the woman gasps, “Oh no — smallcox, too!”

–found on the ‘net.